Visit Our Retail Store!
Have Your Water
Tested Here!
Come visit The Swim Zone’s pool & spa retail store! See our full line of swimming pool & spa chemicals, cleaning accessories, vacuums, filters, pumps, pool toys, accessories, and everything else you need for a sparkling pool! We offer customer rewards loyalty bucks for every purchase you make! The rewards are stored in your account and you can use them towards any purchase at any time.
We strive to provide accurate advice and quality service for your pool without spending a fortune on chemicals! Bring a water sample to our in-store water lab counter and receive a FREE computerized water testing analysis. We provide a full treatment plan print out customized directly to your pool’s water chemistry needs based off the following 10 point water test:

- Sanitizers
- Oxidizers
- Algae Prevention
- Balancers
- Supplements
- Problem Solvers
- Winter Kits
The form of chlorine that is available to sanitize and oxidize the pool water. It is also referred to as Free Available Chlorine (FAC). The ideal range for Free Available Chlorine is 2.0-4.0 ppm (parts per million). Any reading above or below needs to be addressed. A pool with too much FAC may cause bleaching and irritate the eyes. A pool without enough FAC will not have the ability to properly sanitize and oxidize harmful bacteria and algae that try to grow.
We are open 7 days a week and have extended hours from May 1st through September 31st. We accept all major credit cards and cash as forms of payment. When at the checkout counter, ask our sales associates about our swimming pool weekly service packages, openings and closings as well. We are located right on Highway Route 46, Westbound side, directly across from the comfort inn hotel.
The Swim Zone 295 US-46 Fairfield, NJ 07004
(973) 298-0907