Pool Opening
The Swim Zone opens hundreds of in-ground pools throughout Northern and Central New Jersey. Proper pool preparation for the winter season ensures that when warm weather arrives your pool will be ready to be opened before the pool season starts.
When it’s time to open your pool count on the experts at The Swim Zone to do the job right. We’ll re-install accessories such as diving boards, ladders, handrails, lights, pool cleaner, etc. And we’ll reassemble filter and pumps, including replacement of gaskets and/or seals if needed (parts not included), and perform a complete water chemistry check. If you are a D.I.Y. person who likes to open your own pool, check out our Pool Opening Guide to ensure you have covered all the basis!
- Removal of winter cover (store in location directed by homeowner)
- Lower Safety Cover Anchors (pools with safety covers)
- Removal of winter plugs & gizzmos
- Re-installation of eyeball return fittings
- Install ladders and Rails
- Re-Assemble filter system
- System prime and startup
- Adjust timer tabs or program
- Conduct visual inspection of pool area and equipment
- Test the water chemistry
- Add initial chemical treatment (shock, balancers, D.E.)
- Test heater for startup (if applicable)
- Make sure the cover is pumped off and clear of any debris.
- Leave all pool supplies out (ladders, return fittings, baskets etc.)
- Bring water line to the middle of the skimmer. This is very important as we will not be able to startup the system if it is not. You would be charged for a return visit if needed
- Allow access to water and power